View the plots at the Civic Center, Pacific & Ocean Blvd/ Pacific & 1st. Call (562) 786-3874 for next meeting.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

2nd meeting notes

community project 2008
Long Beach, CA

Minutes from meeting #2, August 3, 2008 at 3pm
Present: Rachel Bennish, Elliot Gonzalez, Tessa Sanchez

Small Picture: Create a beautiful garden in the given plot to prove to the city we can do this. Start building a community project out of this one plot. Finish plot in less than 5 months.

Big Picture: Use entire space on top of the library as a community garden, art, music, and plant sanctuary.

Urban Paradise has been split up into two parts; PLANNING and PLANTING
-Ivan and Elliot made list of species they are looking for. Thyme.
-Layouts needed.
-VOLUNteers needed!
-Made list of nurserys that need to be contacted.
-CA native plant society!!! How to grow…lots of great information.
-Send links to contact list.
-native plants!! We want native plants first.
-Someone in this community be involved in this project.
-Get other gardens involved!
**Word of mouth is the most powerful. Collect members.**

-Collecting collecting collecting. We can’t plant until the rain.
-Start planting seeds now in your home!
-Seed bombs…little balls made of clay/mud …let them dry and put them in the soil.
-Donations of seeds and $$ . Theodore payne…sun valley non profit. Sells butterfly -mix/hummingbird mix and planting them.
-Free mulch at the sanitations sites. San Pedro…free mulch
-set up trips to different nursery/ sanctuaries. Bring a big purse…check out plans.

SIDE PROJECT: Termino storm drain wants to be restored.
Ongoing community projects.

Next meeting:
just for layout.
Potluck/layout meeting

The corn field project in LA., group…online..ask for volunteers, Guerrilla gardening, Tessa will e-mail them, The LA chapter. (e-mail contacts and ideas), Free plants- garden centers…if we can use anything of theirs. Don’t leave voice mails at nursery’s…show up.
Tessa will work on moli site.

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